3. Pre-configured sites

Pre-configured sites are split into two categories: Tier 1 with officially supported spack-stack installations (see Section 3.2), and Tier 2 (sites with configuration files that were tested or contributed by others in the past, but that are not officially supported by the spack-stack team; see Section 3.3).

Directories configs/sites/tier1 and configs/sites/tier2 contain site configurations for several HPC systems, as well as minimal configurations for macOS and Linux. The macOS and Linux configurations are not meant to be used as is, as user setups and package versions vary considerably. Instructions for adding this information can be found in Section 6.

As of spack-stack-1.8.0, this page provides general information on the supported platforms, such as the location of the spack-stack installations on tier 1 platforms and instructions on how to set up an environment for building spack-stack environments. Information on using spack-stack environments for development of downstream applications is available on the spack-stack wiki: https://github.com/JCSDA/spack-stack/wiki

3.1. Environment naming conventions

The following naming conventions are used on all fully-supported (tier 1) sites. Environments are named using an abbreviated prefix that depends on the template/purpose, followed by the compiler name and version: prefix-compiler-version. The following table lists the prefices and gives a few examples.

Template (configs/templates)





Unified environment for all organizations/applications




JEDI/Skylab environment for JEDI, models, EWOK




NEPTUNE standalone environment (with xNRL Python)




Environment for running cylc (separate from other envs)




GSI addon (chained) environment on top of unified env.



unified-dev with new ESMF

Unified environment with new ESMF (chained from ue)



To support users who consistently want the latest release, on NOAA RDHPCS tier 1 platforms, soft links pointing to the modulefiles associated with the latest release of the Unified Environment are provided under the main spack-stack directory. The usage consists of module use /path/to/spack-stack/latest-ue-<compiler>, and then loading the spack-stack meta-modules as usual. These soft links should be updated when each release is finalized.

3.2. Pre-configured sites (tier 1)




Location of top-level spack-stack directory


HPC platforms



GCC, Intel




GCC, Intel




Discover SCU16

GCC, Intel



Discover SCU17

GCC, Intel





GCC, Intel









Gaea C5




Gaea C6





GCC, Intel




GCC, Intel



U.S. Navy (HPCMP)


GCC, Intel, oneAPI




GCC, Intel, oneAPI



Blueback (earlyaccess)


(experimental only, no project directories yet


Univ. of Wisconsin





Cloud platforms

Amazon Web Services

AMI Red Hat 8




Parallelcluster JCSDA

GCC, Intel

currently unavailable



RDHPCS Parallel Works




U.S. Navy (HPCMP)

HPCMP Parallel Works




3.2.1. MSU Orion

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

# To access /apps/contrib/spack-stack directory/, first login to orion-devel-1 or orion-devel-2 login node.
# Then sudo to role-epic account.
module purge

3.2.2. MSU Hercules

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

# To access /apps/contrib/spack-stack directory/, first login to orion-devel-1 or orion-devel-2 login node.
# Then sudo to role-epic account.
module purge

3.2.3. NASA Discover SCU16

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

module purge
module use /discover/swdev/gmao_SIteam/modulefiles-SLES12
module use /discover/swdev/jcsda/spack-stack/scu16/modulefiles
module load miniconda/3.9.7

3.2.4. NASA Discover SCU17

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

module purge
module use /discover/swdev/gmao_SIteam/modulefiles-SLES15
module use /discover/swdev/jcsda/spack-stack/scu17/modulefiles

3.2.8. NCAR-Wyoming Derecho

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

module purge
# ignore that the sticky module ncarenv/... is not unloaded
module load ncarenv/23.09
module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/derecho/modulefiles

3.2.9. NOAA Acorn (WCOSS2 test system)

On WCOSS2 OpenSUSE sets CONFIG_SITE which causes libraries to be installed in lib64, breaking the lib assumption made by some packages. Therefore, CONFIG_SITE should remain set to empty in compilers.yaml.

For official deployments on spack-stack on Acorn, be mindful of umask and group ownership, as these can be finicky. The umask value should be 002, otherwise various files can be assigned to the wrong group. In any case, running something to the effect of chgrp nceplibs <spack-stack dir> -R and chmod o+rX <spack-stack dir> -R after the whole installation is done is a good idea.

Note that for the installation using Intel 19, the system GCC, 7.5.0, is used on the backend for the Intel compiler. More recent versions of GCC are not reliably compatible. Likewise, for Intel 2022, GCC 10.2.0 is used on the backend. Intel 19 is not reliably compatible with C++17 standards, and Intel 2022 is not reliably compatible with C++20. Without a handful of package version restrictions, certain package builds will break, usually in the configure stage.


System-wide spack software installations are maintained by NCO on this platform, which are not associated with spack-stack.

3.2.10. NOAA Parallel Works (AWS, Azure, Gcloud)

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform. The default module path needs to be removed, otherwise spack detects the system as Cray.

module purge

3.2.11. U.S. Navy Parallel Works (AWS)

The following is required for building new spack environments with GNU on this platform.

umask 0022
module purge
scl enable gcc-toolset-13 bash

3.2.12. NOAA RDHPCS Gaea C5

The following is required for building new spack environments with Intel on this platform.. Don’t use module purge on Gaea!

# These modules should be loaded by default, if not load (swap) with:
module load PrgEnv-intel/8.3.3
module load intel-classic/2023.1.0
module load cray-mpich/8.1.25
module load python/3.9.12


On Gaea, running module available without the option -t can lead to an error: /usr/bin/lua5.3: /opt/cray/pe/lmod/lmod/libexec/Spider.lua:568: stack overflow


On Gaea, a current limitation is that any executable that is linked against the MPI library (cray-mpich) must be run through srun on a compute node, even if it is run serially (one process). This is in particular a problem when using ctest for unit testing created by the ecbuild add_test macro. A workaround is to use the cmake cross-compiling emulator for this:


3.2.13. NOAA RDHPCS Gaea C6

The following is required for building new spack environments with Intel on this platform.. Don’t use module purge on Gaea!

# These modules should be loaded by default, if not load (swap) with:
module load PrgEnv-intel/8.3.3
module load intel-classic/2023.2.0
module load cray-mpich/8.1.25
module load python/3.9.12


On Gaea, running module available without the option -t can lead to an error: /usr/bin/lua5.3: /opt/cray/pe/lmod/lmod/libexec/Spider.lua:568: stack overflow


On Gaea, a current limitation is that any executable that is linked against the MPI library (cray-mpich) must be run through srun on a compute node, even if it is run serially (one process). This is in particular a problem when using ctest for unit testing created by the ecbuild add_test macro. A workaround is to use the cmake cross-compiling emulator for this:


3.2.14. NOAA RDHPCS Hera

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

module purge


On Hera, a dedicated node exists for ecflow server jobs (hecflow01). Users starting ecflow_server on the regular login nodes will see their servers being killed every few minutes, and may be barred from accessing the system.

3.2.15. NOAA RDHPCS Jet

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

module purge

3.2.16. UW (Univ. of Wisconsin) S4

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.

module purge

3.2.17. Amazon Web Services Parallelcluster Ubuntu 20.04


The JCSDA-managed AWS Parallel Cluster is currently unavailable.

3.2.18. Amazon Web Services Single Node Red Hat 8


Use a c6i.4xlarge instance or larger if running out of memory with AMI “skylab-8.0.0-redhat8” (see JEDI documentation at https://jointcenterforsatellitedataassimilation-jedi-docs.readthedocs-hosted.com/en/latest for more information).

3.3. Pre-configured sites (tier 2)

Tier 2 preconfigured site are not officially supported by spack-stack. As such, instructions for these systems may be provided here, in form of a README.md in the site directory, or may not be available. Also, these site configs are not updated on the same regular basis as those of the tier 1 systems and therefore may be out of date and/or not working.

3.3.1. Blackpearl

Blackpearl is an Oracle Linux 9 installation running under Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL2) on Windows 11. This is the development system of one of the spack-stack developers and maybe useful as an example configuration for users with a similar setup.

3.3.2. NCAR-Wyoming Casper

The following is required for building new spack environments with any supported compiler on this platform.


module purge
# ignore that the sticky module ncarenv/... is not unloaded
module load ncarenv/23.10
module use /glade/work/epicufsrt/contrib/spack-stack/casper/modulefiles
module load ecflow/5.8.4

3.3.3. EMC RedHat Enterprise Linux 8


3.3.4. ??? Frontera


3.3.5. Linux/macOS default configs

The Linux and macOS configurations are not meant to be used as is, as user setups and package versions vary considerably. Instructions for adding this information can be found in Section 6.

3.3.6. AWS Ubuntu 24.04

To build consult the README.md in the sites/tier2/aws-ubuntu2404.

This image can contain GCC and Intel compilers. It is strongly suggested that if you are to use either environment, it is suggested to separate environments into their own terminal.

3.3.7. AWS Rocky8

To build consult the README.md in the sites/tier2/aws-rocky8.

This image can contain GCC and Intel compilers. It is strongly suggested that if you are to use either environment, it is suggested to separate environments into their own terminal.

3.4. Create local environment

The following instructions install a new spack environment on a pre-configured site. Instructions for creating a new site config on a configurable system (i.e. a generic Linux or macOS system) can be found in Section 6. The options for the spack stack extension are explained in Section 9.

The following instructions apply to the basic environments (unified-dev, skylab-dev, neptune-dev). Add-on (i.e. chained) environments and the cylc environment require special instructions (see below).

git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/jcsda/spack-stack.git
cd spack-stack

# Ensure Python 3.6+ is available and the default before sourcing spack.
# Note this is only used for building the environment. Once the
# environment is built, spack-stack provides the proper python
# executable which needs to be utilized to build applications with the
# newly created environment.

# Sources Spack from submodule and sets ${SPACK_STACK_DIR}
source setup.sh

# See a list of sites and templates
spack stack create env -h

# Create a pre-configured Spack environment in envs/<template>.<site>
# (copies site-specific, application-specific, and common config files into the environment directory)
spack stack create env --site hera --template unified-dev --name unified-dev.hera.intel --compiler intel

# Activate the newly created environment
# Optional: decorate the command line prompt using -p
#     Note: in some cases, this can mess up long lines in bash
#     because color codes are not escaped correctly. In this
#     case, use export SPACK_COLOR='never' first.
cd envs/unified-dev.hera.intel/
spack env activate [-p] .

# Optionally edit config files (spack.yaml, packages.yaml compilers.yaml, modules.yaml, ...)
emacs spack.yaml
emacs common/*.yaml
emacs site/*.yaml

# Process/concretize the specs; optionally check for duplicate packages
spack concretize | ${SPACK_STACK_DIR}/util/show_duplicate_packages.py -d [-c] log.concretize

# Optional step for systems with a pre-configured spack mirror, see below.

# Install the environment, recommended to always use --source
# to install the source code with the compiled binary package
spack install --source [--verbose] [--fail-fast]

# Create lua module files
spack module lmod refresh

# Create meta-modules for compiler, mpi, python
spack stack setup-meta-modules

# Check permissions for systems where non-owning users/groups need access


You may want to capture the output from spack concretize and spack install comands in log files. For example:

spack concretize 2>&1 | tee log.concretize
spack install [--verbose] [--fail-fast] 2>&1 | tee log.install

For installing chained environments, the user is referred to section 5.

The cylc environment is another special environment. This environment is not chained, thus the instructions provided above until and including the spack install are still valid. The following differences apply:

  1. The cylc environment can only be built with a reasonably recent version of the GNU compilers (gcc version 10 or later, as long as spack-stack in general supports the version; see section 6 for a compiler compatibility matrix). Further, on Cray systems, the Cray compiler wrappers can not be used (see the comment in configs/sites/tier1/narwhal/compilers.yaml). Note that, as long as the cylc environment does not use MPI (which is currently the case), it is not necessary to toggle the wrappers variant for the external cray-mpich package when using the native compilers without the Cray wrappers.

  2. Instead of creating tcl or lmod modules and the associated meta-modules, this environment creates a spack environment view in /path/to/spack-stack/envs/env-name/view. In order to use the cylc installation provided in that view, the user is advised to create a cylc-wrapper similar to the following bash script, and then create an alias cylc pointing to the wrapper script. This approach ensures that the environment in which cylc operates is encapsulated from the environment that users or cylc tasks operate in.

> cat cylc-wrapper


# Define environment variable CYLC_INSTALL_PREFIX here,
# pointing to /path/to/spack-stack/envs/env-name/view,
# or make sure the user did set it before calling the wrapper
[ -z ${CYLC_INSTALL_PREFIX} ] && echo "CYLC_INSTALL_PREFIX not set!" && exit 1

cylc "$@"

> alias

alias cylc='/path/to/cylc-wrapper'

3.5. Extending environments

Additional packages (and their dependencies) or new versions of packages can be added to existing environments. It is recommended to take a backup of the existing environment directory (e.g. using rsync) or test this first as described in Section 12.4, especially if new versions of packages are added that act themselves as dependencies for other packages. In some cases, adding new versions of packages will require rebuilding large portions of the stack, for example if a new version of hdf5 is needed. In this case, it is recommended to start over with an entirely new environment.

In the simplest case, a new package (and its basic dependencies) or a new version of an existing package that is not a dependency for other packages can be added as described in the following example for a new version of ecmwf-atlas.

  1. Check if the package has any variants defined in the common (env_dir/common/packages.yaml) or site (env_dir/site/packages.yaml) package config and make sure that these are reflected correctly in the spec command:

spack spec ecmwf-atlas@0.29.0
  1. Add package to environment specs:

spack add ecmwf-atlas@0.29.0
  1. Run concretize step

spack concretize
  1. Install

spack install [--verbose] [--fail-fast]

Further information on how to define variants for new packages, how to use these non-standard versions correctly as dependencies, …, can be found in the Spack Documentation. Details on the spack stack extension of the spack are provided in Section 9.


Instead of spack add ecmwf-atlas@0.29.0, spack concretize and spack install, one can also just use spack install ecmwf-atlas@0.29.0 after checking in the first step (spack spec) that the package will be installed as desired.