13. Generating Sphinx DocumentationΒΆ

This documentation is generated using sphinx, supported formats are HTML and TeX/LaTeX (in PDF). sphinx and its dependencies can be installed using spack-stack and the environment spec jedi-tools-env (see Section 8). Note that in order to generate TeX/LaTeX documentation, a TeX/LaTeX distribution is required as an external package (see Section 12.1.6), and the jedi-tools-env environment spec must be built with the variant +latex.

Steps to generate the documentation locally:

  1. If using a spack-stack environment, load the required modules (e.g. module load jedi-tools-env), otherwise make sure that sphinx``is loaded, ``sphinxcontrib-bibtex and your TeX/LaTeX distribution of choice are optionally loaded into your environment. The latter two are only required if building the TeX/LaTeX documentation.

  2. Execute the following commands (note that the default value for option SPHINX_OUTPUT_HTML is ON, and for option SPHINX_OUTPUT_LATEX is OFF):

cd doc
mkdir build
cd build
  1. The output can be found in subdirectories html (open html/index.html) and pdf (open pdf/spack-stack.pdf).


If updates to the documentation source files in doc/source are made, rerunning make updates the HTML documentation, but not the TeX/LaTeX documentation. To update the latter, run make clean followed by make.