4. Generating new site configs

The instructions here describe how to generate a new site config. In addition to configuring new production and testing systems, this is the recommended way for developers to use spack-stack locally on their Linux or MacOS workstations. In general, the recommended approach is to start with an empty/default site config (linux.default or macos.default). The instructions differ slightly for macOS and Linux and assume that the prerequisites for the platform have been installed as described in Sections 4.1 and 4.2.

It is also instructive to peruse the GitHub actions scripts in .github/workflows and .github/actions to see how automated spack-stack builds are configured for CI testing, as well as the existing site configs in configs/sites.

4.1. macOS

On macOS, it is important to use certain Homebrew packages as external packages, because the native macOS packages are incomplete (e.g. missing the development header files): curl, qt, etc. The instructions provided in the following have been tested extensively on many macOS installations.

Unlike in previous versions, the instructions below assume that Python is built by spack. That means that when using the spack environments (i.e., loading the modules for building or running code), the spack installation of Python with its available Python modules should be used to ensure consistency. However, a Homebrew Python installation may still be needed to build new spack environments. It can also be beneficial for the user to have a version of Python installed with Homebrew that can be used for virtual environments that are completely independent of any spack-built environment.

It is recommended to not use mpich or openmpi installed by Homebrew, because these packages are built using a flat namespace that is incompatible with the JEDI software. The spack-stack installations of mpich and openmpi use two-level namespaces as required.

4.1.1. Intel Arm platform notes

With the introduction of the Arm architecture M1 and M2 chips on Mac, the OS offers execution and building of two architectures via Apple’s Rosetta tool. Rosetta is a binary translator that can convert Intel executable instructions to native Arm instructions at runtime. The Arm architecture is denoted by arm64 and aarch64, while the Intel architecture supported by Rosetta is denoted by x86_64 and i386.

When you get a new Arm mac, you may need to install Rosetta. This can be done with the shell command softwareupdate --install-rosetta. Note that applications are expected to run faster when the native Arm architecture is utilized, although Intel binaries are very close to native performance.

A lot of binaries (iTerm2 for example) come in a “universal form” meaning they can run as Arm or Intel (you can toggle this by right clicking on the application in finder, selecting “get info”, then checking the “Open using Rosetta” box). MacOS provides a utility called arch which is handy for monitoring which architecture you are running on. For example, entering arch without any arguments will return which architecture is running in your terminal window.

4.1.2. Homebrew notes

When running with the Intel architecture, homebrew manages its downloads in /usr/local (as it has been doing in the past). When running with the Arm architecture, homebrew manages its downloads in /opt/homebrew. Other than the different prefixes for Arm versus Intel, the paths for all the pieces of a given package are identical. This separation allows for both Arm and Intel environments to exist on one machine.

For these instructions we will use the variable $HOMEBREW_ROOT to hold the prefix where homebrew manages its downloads (according to the architecture being used).

# If building on Arm architecture:
export HOMEBREW_ROOT=/opt/homebrew

# If building on Intel architecture:
export HOMEBREW_ROOT=/usr/local


By default, every call to brew attempts to update the entire brew installation, which often means that existing spack-stack installations and other builds won’t work anymore. With export HOMEBREW_NO_AUTO_UPDATE=1 before running brew, this automatic update is disabled.

4.1.3. Prerequisites (one-off)

These instructions are meant to be a reference that users can follow to set up their own system. Depending on the user’s setup and needs, some steps will differ, some may not be needed and others may be missing. Also, the package versions may change over time.

  1. Install Apple’s command line utilities

    • Launch the Terminal, found in /Applications/Utilities

    • Type the following command string:

xcode-select --install
  1. Set up a terminal and environment using the appropriate architecture

    1. Arm

      In this case the Terminal application should already be running with the Arm architecture. Open a terminal and verify that this is the case:

      # In the terminal enter
      # this should respond with "arm64"

      Add the homebrew bin directory to your PATH variable. Make sure the homebrew bin path goes before /usr/local/bin.

      export PATH=$HOMEBREW_ROOT/bin:$PATH
    2. Intel

      In this case, the idea is to create a new Terminal application that automatically runs bash in the Intel mode (using Rosetta2 underneath the hood.

      • Open Applications in Finder

      • Duplicate your preferred terminal application (e.g. Terminal or iTerm)

      • Rename the duplicate to, for example, “Terminal x86_64”

      • Right-click / control+click on “Terminal x86_64”, choose “Get Info”

      • Select the box “Open using Rosetta” and close the window

      Check to make sure you have /usr/local/bin in your PATH variable for homebrew.

    From this point on, make sure you run the commands from the Terminal application matching the arhcitecture you are building. That is, use “Terminal” if building for Arm, or use “Terminal x86_64” if building for Intel. Verify that you have the correct architecture by running arch in the terminal window. From arch you should see arm64 for Arm, or see x86_64 or i386 for Intel.

  2. Install Homebrew

    It is recommended to install the following prerequisites via Homebrew, as installing them with Spack and Apple’s native clang compiler can be tricky.

brew install coreutils
brew install gcc
brew install git
brew install git-lfs
brew install lmod
brew install wget
brew install bash
brew install curl
brew install cmake
brew install openssl
# Note - need to pin to version 5
brew install qt@5
brew install mysql
  1. Configure your terminal to use the homebrew installed bash

After installing bash with homebrew, you need to change your terminal application’s default command to use $HOMEBREW_ROOT/bin/bash. For example with iterm2, you can click on the preferences item in the iTerm2 menu. Then click on the Profiles tab and enter $HOMEBREW_ROOT/bin/bash in the Command box. This is done to avoid issues with the macOS System Integrity Protection (SIP) mechanism when running bash scripts. See https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204899 for more details about SIP.

It’s recommended to quit the terminal window at this point and then start up a fresh terminal window to make sure you proceed using a terminal that is running the $HOMEBREW_ROOT/bin/bash shell.

  1. Activate the lua module environment (note: This is not persistent and must be done at the beginning of each session you intend to use spack-stack modules).

source $HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/lmod/init/profile
  1. Install xquartz using the provided binary at https://www.xquartz.org. This is required for forwarding of remote X displays, and for displaying the ecflow GUI, amongst others.

  2. Optional: Install MacTeX if planning to build the jedi-tools environment with LaTeX/PDF support

    If the jedi-tools application is built with variant +latex to enable building LaTeX/PDF documentation, install MacTeX MacTeX and configure your shell to have it in the search path, for example:

export PATH="/usr/local/texlive/2022/bin/universal-darwin:$PATH"

This environment enables working with spack and building new software environments, as well as loading modules that are created by spack for building JEDI and UFS software.

4.1.4. Creating a new environment

Remember to activate the lua module environment and have MacTeX in your search path, if applicable. It is also recommended to increase the stacksize limit to 65Kb using ulimit -S -s unlimited.

  1. You will need to clone spack-stack and its dependencies and activate the spack-stack tool. It is also a good idea to save the directory in your environment for later use.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/spack-stack.git
cd spack-stack

# Sources Spack from submodule and sets ${SPACK_STACK_DIR}
source setup.sh
  1. Create a pre-configured environment with a default (nearly empty) site config and activate it (optional: decorate bash prompt with environment name; warning: this can scramble the prompt for long lines)

spack stack create env --site macos.default [--template jedi-ufs-all] --name jedi-ufs.mymacos
spack env activate [-p] envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos
  1. Temporarily set environment variable SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH to modify site config files in envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/site

export SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH="$PWD/envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/site"
  1. Find external packages, add to site config’s packages.yaml. If an external’s bin directory hasn’t been added to $PATH, need to prefix command.

spack external find --scope system
spack external find --scope system perl
# Don't use any external Python, let spack build it
#spack external find --scope system python
spack external find --scope system wget
spack external find --scope system mysql

PATH="$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/curl/bin:$PATH" \
     spack external find --scope system curl

PATH="$HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/qt5/bin:$PATH" \
    spack external find --scope system qt

# Optional, only if planning to build jedi-tools environment with LaTeX support
# The texlive bin directory must have been added to PATH (see above)
spack external find --scope system texlive
  1. Find compilers, add to site config’s compilers.yaml

spack compiler find --scope system
  1. Do not forget to unset the SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable!

  1. Set default compiler and MPI library (make sure to use the correct apple-clang version for your system and the desired openmpi version)

spack config add "packages:all:providers:mpi:[openmpi@4.1.4]"
spack config add "packages:all:compiler:[apple-clang@13.1.6]"
  1. If applicable (depends on the environment), edit the main config file for the environment and adjust the compiler matrix to match the compilers for macOS, as above:

- compilers: ['%apple-clang']
  1. Edit site config files and common config files, for example to remove duplicate versions of external packages that are unwanted, add specs in envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/spack.yaml, etc.

vi envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/spack.yaml
vi envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/common/*.yaml
vi envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/site/*.yaml
  1. Process the specs and install

spack concretize
spack install [--verbose] [--fail-fast]
  1. Create lmod module files

spack module lmod refresh
  1. Create meta-modules for compiler, mpi, python. This will create a meta module at envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/modulefiles/Core.

spack stack setup-meta-modules


Unlike preconfigured environments and linux environments, MacOS users typically need to activate lmod’s module tool within each shell session. This can be done by running source $HOMEBREW_ROOT/opt/lmod/init/profile

  1. You now have a spack-stack environment that can be accessed by running module use ./envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/install/modulefiles/Core. The modules defined here can be loaded to build and run code as described in Section 2.

4.2. Linux

Note. Some Linux systems do not support recent lua/lmod environment modules, which are default in the spack-stack site configs. The instructions below therefore use tcl/tk environment modules.

4.2.1. Prerequisites: Red Hat/CentOS 8 (one-off)

The following instructions were used to prepare a basic Red Hat 8 system as it is available on Amazon Web Services to build and install all of the environments available in spack-stack (see Sections 6).

  1. Install basic OS packages as root

sudo su
yum -y update

# Compilers - this includes environment module support
yum -y install gcc-toolset-11-gcc-c++
yum -y install gcc-toolset-11-gcc-gfortran
yum -y install gcc-toolset-11-gdb

# Do *not* install MPI with yum, this will be done with spack-stack

# Misc
yum -y install m4
yum -y install wget
# Do not install cmake (it's 3.20.2, which doesn't work with eckit)
yum -y install git
yum -y install git-lfs
yum -y install bash-completion
yum -y install bzip2 bzip2-devel
yum -y install unzip
yum -y install patch
yum -y install automake
yum -y install xorg-x11-xauth
yum -y install xterm
yum -y install texlive
# Do not install qt@5 for now
yum -y install mysql-server

# For screen utility (optional)
yum -y remove https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-8.noarch.rpm
yum -y update --nobest
yum -y install screen

# Python
yum -y install python39-devel
alternatives --set python3 /usr/bin/python3.9

# Exit root session
  1. Log out and back in to be able to use the tcl/tk environment modules

  2. As regular user, set up the environment to build spack-stack environments

scl enable gcc-toolset-11 bash

This environment enables working with spack and building new software environments, as well as loading modules that are created by spack for building JEDI and UFS software.

4.2.2. Prerequisites: Ubuntu 20.04 (one-off)

The following instructions were used to prepare a basic Ubuntu 20.04 system as it is available on Amazon Web Services to build and install all of the environments available in spack-stack (see Sections 6).

  1. Install basic OS packages as root

sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

# Compilers
apt install -y gcc g++ gfortran gdb

# Environment module support
apt install -y environment-modules

# Do *not* install MPI with yum, this will be done with spack-stack

# Misc
apt install -y build-essential
apt install -y libkrb5-dev
apt install -y m4
apt install -y git
apt install -y git-lfs
apt install -y bzip2
apt install -y unzip
apt install -y automake
apt install -y xterm
apt install -y texlive
apt install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
apt install -y libssl-dev
apt install -y mysql-server
apt install -y libmysqlclient-dev

# Python
apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip

# Exit root session
  1. Log out and back in to be able to use the environment modules

  2. As regular user, set up the environment to build spack-stack environments

This environment enables working with spack and building new software environments, as well as loading modules that are created by spack for building JEDI and UFS software.

4.2.3. Prerequisites: Ubuntu 22.04 (one-off)

The following instructions were used to prepare a basic Ubuntu 22.04 system as it is available on Amazon Web Services to build and install all of the environments available in spack-stack (see Sections 6).

  1. Install basic OS packages as root

sudo su
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade

# Compilers (gcc@11.2.0)
apt install -y gcc g++ gfortran gdb

# lua/lmod module support
apt install -y lmod

# Do *not* install MPI with yum, this will be done with spack-stack

# Misc
apt install -y build-essential
apt install -y libkrb5-dev
apt install -y m4
apt install -y git
apt install -y git-lfs
apt install -y unzip
apt install -y automake
apt install -y xterm
apt install -y texlive
apt install -y libcurl4-openssl-dev
apt install -y libssl-dev
apt install -y meson
apt install -y mysql-server
apt install -y libmysqlclient-dev

# Python
apt install -y python3-dev python3-pip

# Exit root session
  1. Log out and back in to be able to use the environment modules

  2. As regular user, set up the environment to build spack-stack environments

This environment enables working with spack and building new software environments, as well as loading modules that are created by spack for building JEDI and UFS software.

4.2.4. Creating a new environment

It is recommended to increase the stacksize limit by using ulimit -S -s unlimited, and to test if the module environment functions correctly (module available).

  1. You will need to clone spack-stack and its dependencies and activate the spack-stack tool. It is also a good idea to save the directory in your environment for later use.

git clone --recursive https://github.com/NOAA-EMC/spack-stack.git
cd spack-stack

# Sources Spack from submodule and sets ${SPACK_STACK_DIR}
source setup.sh
  1. Create a pre-configured environment with a default (nearly empty) site config and activate it (optional: decorate bash prompt with environment name; warning: this can scramble the prompt for long lines)

spack stack create env --site linux.default [--template jedi-ufs-all] --name jedi-ufs.mylinux
spack env activate [-p] envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux
  1. Temporarily set environment variable SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH to modify site config files in envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/site

export SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH="$PWD/envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/site"
  1. Find external packages, add to site config’s packages.yaml. If an external’s bin directory hasn’t been added to $PATH, need to prefix command.

spack external find --scope system
spack external find --scope system perl
# Don't use any external Python, let spack build it
#spack external find --scope system python
spack external find --scope system wget
spack external find --scope system mysql
spack external find --scope system texlive
# On Ubuntu (but not on Red Hat):
spack external find --scope system curl
  1. Find compilers, add to site config’s compilers.yaml

spack compiler find --scope system
  1. Do not forget to unset the SPACK_SYSTEM_CONFIG_PATH environment variable!

  1. Set default compiler and MPI library (make sure to use the correct gcc version for your system and the desired openmpi version)

# Example for Red Hat 8 following the above instructions
spack config add "packages:all:providers:mpi:[openmpi@4.1.4]"
spack config add "packages:all:compiler:[gcc@11.2.1]"

# Example for Ubuntu 20.04 following the above instructions
spack config add "packages:all:providers:mpi:[mpich@4.0.2]"
spack config add "packages:all:compiler:[gcc@10.3.0]"

# Example for Ubuntu 22.04 following the above instructions
sed -i 's/tcl/lmod/g' envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/site/modules.yaml
spack config add "packages:all:providers:mpi:[mpich@4.0.2]"
spack config add "packages:all:compiler:[gcc@11.2.0]"
  1. If applicable (depends on the environment), edit the main config file for the environment and adjust the compiler matrix to match the compilers for Linux, as above:

- compilers: ['%gcc']
  1. Edit site config files and common config files, for example to remove duplicate versions of external packages that are unwanted, add specs in envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/spack.yaml, etc.


Important: Remove any external cmake@3.20 package from envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/site/packages.yaml. It is in fact recommended to remove all versions of cmake up to 3.20. Further, on Red Hat/CentOS, remove any external curl that might have been found.

vi envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/spack.yaml
vi envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/common/*.yaml
vi envs/jedi-ufs.mylinux/site/*.yaml
  1. Process the specs and install

spack concretize
spack install [--verbose] [--fail-fast]
  1. Create tcl module files

spack module tcl refresh
  1. Create meta-modules for compiler, mpi, python

spack stack setup-meta-modules
  1. You now have a spack-stack environment that can be accessed by running module use ./envs/jedi-ufs.mymacos/install/modulefiles/Core. The modules defined here can be loaded to build and run code as described in Section 2.